I feel myself sinking into feeling very sketchy health-wise. Hope this doesn't last.
I meant to post this earlier, but Tim gave me this for my 8th anniversary.
Yesterday, my pen pal from Washington was in Victoria, and we took our girls to the Miniature World, and out for coffee. It was nice to see them. Melissa has a new baby, Bryce, and it was the first time I got to hold a baby in quite a while. Found myself feeling awkward at first, if you can imagine. I mean, it hasn't been *that* long since I held a little one, and yet there was that little uncertainty about how to hold someone with little head control. One child just doesn't give you oodles of experience, I guess.
Got some things organized for Diary Project work today. Had too many versions of too many things in too many places on my computer. Now to invite Anna to bake some blackberry scones. Long overdue. I've only been talking about these scones for weeks... maybe they'll make my tummy feel better.
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